Taking Care Of Your Feet: Understanding Different Types Of Diabetic Foot Care

As a diabetic, taking care of your feet is crucial to prevent complications such as ulcers and infections. Proper foot care can help maintain healthy circulation and nerve function, reducing the risk of serious issues down the line. In this blog post, we will discuss different types of diabetic foot care to help you understand how to keep your feet healthy and happy. Daily Foot Checks:  A crucial element of diabetic foot care involves daily inspections for redness, swelling, cuts, or blisters on your feet. [Read More]

What You Should Do If You Have Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a painful, yet treatable condition that can affect one or both of your feet. This is a condition that can give you pain in your heels, that can feel like burning, or as if pins are pressing into the heels of your feet. You typically feel this pain after you have been at rest, rather than when you are on your feet. This is because the band in your foot is being stretched and the calcium buildup is being pressed into, which can offer you temporary relief when you move, but as soon as you rest, or take your first steps after being at rest, it can be very painful. [Read More]

What's The Best Solution For Your Hammertoe Issues?

Do you struggle with pain and discomfort from hammertoe? It's a common issue, especially for women who have worn tight-fitting or high-heeled shoes for years. Hammertoe is common among dancers, especially in ballet. Hammertoe is usually caused by the regular wearing of shoes that are too tight, leaving not enough room for toes to lay flat and have a normal amount of space. The result over time is that one or more toes start to bend inward, overlapping with other toes. [Read More]

Running Causing Your Bunion? What You Should Do

Bunions can be painful, especially if you are a runner. Running may be your way to exercise, relieve stress, or is just your hobby where you can be competitive and push yourself harder. With a bunion, it can make running more difficult for you, and you could end up having to give up this hobby because the pain may be too severe. To prevent having to give up running, you can try other things to alleviate the pain and to treat the condition. [Read More]